Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dead Snow (2009)

  Nazi zombies.

Come on, you don't get much better than that.  Those are the only two groups of humanoids that nobody will get mad about if you go on killing sprees and here they are, combined in one unholy union!

I don't know what it is about the Nordic countries recently, but they have been cranking out some good horror films.  First was Let the Right One In, one of the best vampire movies I've seen in years, out of Sweden, this one from Norway, and the upcoming Trollhunter, which releases tomorrow.  That one may not be a straight-out horror but it's filmed in a Blair Witch Project style that should make for some decent suspense. 

This movie obviously loves Evil Dead and Dead Alive (or Braindead if you're interested in the original New Zealand title).  Hell, one of the characters wears a Braindead T-shirt and tries to get the others to participate in listing horror movies where the characters are stranded without cell phones.  There's even the requisite Highly Suspect Old Man who shows up and gives 90% of the film's backstory as a creepy fireside tale.

The protagonists are 6 good-looking Norwegian medical students out for a camping trip in the mountains.  Unfortunately, during WWII, the Nazis had been occupying the nearby village and terrorizing the people.  After making one last attempt to steal all the gold and silver from the townspeople, the Nazis were chased up into the mountains where they froze to death.  The hikers unknowingly disturb a box of looted gold under their cabin while searching for beer and awaken the corpses of Colonel Herzog and his zombie minions. 

I was surprised at how much I liked the soundtrack, considering that it's a bit harder than I usually listen to and in freakin' Norwegian.  It really added to the fun ambiance of the film.  I know there are a lot of you who hate subtitles but don't worry, most of the dialogue is screaming so you should be fine.  There is a LOT of gore so if you are opposed to the sight of zombies being chainsawed in half, well, we really can't be friends.

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