Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Warlock (1989)

Just so you know, I'm doing two posts today because yesterday I had to go underwear shopping for my date. Don't judge.
 This is such an awesome piece of 80's dreck and I love it so. I don't remember when I saw it for the first time. It was before I left home so either middle school or high school. It was on TV and I found myself fascinated by it. I had just started to become interested in the occult and this movie captured my youthful imagination.

Now, of course, as I re-watch all I can think is how hilariously over-acted it is.

I'm a practicing pagan and I have tried to familiarize myself with different cultures' approaches to magic. They actually did a fairly good job in this movie of conforming to early American claims of witchcraft. It was a bit of a stretch but they even worked in some Pennsylvania Dutch folklore, as well. I have to give them credit for that.

For the record, no, you cannot fly if you drink the boiled fat of an unbaptized male child. Can't speak from personal experience but I'm 99.9999% certain that if you tried, you would be violently ill right up until the cops arrested you for murder.

I'm pagan, not retarded. You shouldn't be either. It's just a movie, people.

Although if anybody could do it, it'd probably be this guy:  

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