Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Karate Kid part 3 (1989)

  Man, this movie defines craptacular. It's like they weren't even trying any more. Part 1? Awesome. Part 2? Serene. Part 3? Eh, fuck it. This movie was so bad the executives stuck Ralph Macchio in suspended animation.

Seriously, he hasn't aged. Maybe he should reboot the Highlander series.

Besides recycling the plot of the first one, they didn't even try to pretend to give him a love interest in this movie. Oh, there was a spunky redhead but she tells Danny up front that he's a permanent member of the Friend Zone. They might as well as had him come out to Mr. Miyagi.
If you were somehow fortunate enough to miss this one, here's the rundown:

Instead of going to college, Daniel opens a bonsai store with Mr. Miyagi. The spunky redhead makes custom pots. Meanwhile, the disgraced master of Cobra Kai has been basically living on the streets after being humiliated in the first movie. He goes to visit his Green Beret buddy, who is like the black market Daddy Warbucks, and sobs out his sad, sad tale. Daddy Warbucks immediately sends him on an all-expense-paid trip to Tahiti and sets about orchestrating the downfall of Miyagi and Daniel-San.

Instead of hiring a couple of people to whack Daniel's knees with a lead pipe and calling it a day, he forms this elaborate plot to turn Daniel against his mentor and accept Evil Daddy Warbucks' brand of kung-fu instead, then have a ringer come in to the All-Valley Karate Tournament and publicly beat the shit out of Daniel.

If you're thinking that it sounds like the kind of shit Wile E. Coyote would turn down as being overwrought, congratulations! You are more discerning than the writer, director, and producers combined.

Frankly, it's a terrible film that's only watchable for the parts where Ralph Macchio is beating the crap out of himself under Wario Warbucks' tutelage. The only reason I even own it is because it's part of a boxed set.

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