Saturday, August 25, 2012

Paranormal Activity (2007)

I have no idea why this is now at the top of the page.  It was posted in Sep 2011, originally, and I have no clue how to make it go back.    This was Christy's pick for September.  See all of that shit at the top where it guarantees nightmares?  Lies.  I laughed my ass off at most of it and was bored by the rest.  Maybe I'm just a gorehound but movies where they don't show you anything don't blow my skirt up at all. 

Micah (pronounced Mee-ka) and Katie have noticed weird things happening in their house so Micah invests in a camcorder to try and catch it on film.  They also invite over a psychic to consult about it and Katie mentions that she's had the same crap happening to her since she was 8 years old.  Now, you would think that if you knew that you were being haunted you would possibly disclose that shit before you move in with someone but no.  A head's up, a "hey, honey, I'm so glad our relationship is moving to the next level but you may want to look into poltergeist insurance", or something to the effect may have been very welcome.   Especially once she reveals that her childhood home burned the fuck down. Micah, however, is convinced that they can fix it themselves and does various things to try and get the entity to reveal itself including a ouija board (catches on fire) and putting flour down the hallway (gets ostrich prints coming in but not leaving).  Events continue to escalate until the fairly inevitable conclusion.

I will say, the last minute or so of the movie was very good with an almost seamless visual effect that made me raise a glass and made my cousin sleep with the lights on.  Other than that, snoozefest.  Go rent the original Poltergeist instead.  You'll thank me later.

On a completely unrelated note, if you were wondering about the slow-down in posts, I'm neck-deep in season one of 24.  I hate the Bauer women with a passion.  They might as well have "victim" tattooed on their foreheads.  For a bit of nostalgia, I'm also watching the X-Men cartoon from the 90's.  Ah, Saturday mornings.  Good times.  Up to halfway through season 3 on those, just past the Phoenix saga. Frankly, the video quality is shit and the cartoons themselves aren't nearly as good as I remember them being.  I no longer have the innocent lens of youth to look through I suppose.

Also, bought X-Men:  First Class and Tangled blu-rays on Friday.

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