Saturday, November 11, 2023

Looper (2012)

Tyler made a list of movies he wanted to watch (so proud!) and this was one of them.  I hadn't seen it since the theater run.  According to him, the only things that could have made the movie better would be a hot redhead and a spaceship.  Otherwise, he thought it was a great time travel movie.  And I agree.  It's currently streaming only for rental so we watched it on blu-ray.  Originally posted 09 Oct 12.    This is one of the movies I was most looking forward to seeing this fall.  I love JGL in just about anything but his previous work with director Rian Johnson, Brick, was an absolute tour-de-force.

Living thirty years before the invention of time travel, Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a Looper, a hit man who disposes of problems sent back through time.  His boss, Abe (Jeff Daniels), runs the Loopers and the Gat Men, a private security force.  Every Looper knows that they will eventually have to close their own loop and murder their future selves.  When this happens, they get a payment in gold bricks and released from their contracts to live the next thirty years in peace.  Unfortunately, the future existence of a new boss, the Rainmaker, starts closing all the loops.  Joe (Bruce Willis) knows that his time is up, but instead of letting himself be killed by his younger incarnation, he decides to let his loop run in the hope of finding the Rainmaker before he can ruin everything.

It's a well thought out, beautifully executed movie.  I wish the theater audience I saw it with would have had a higher appreciation for it but I guess you can't have everything.  Some of the reviews I read called it an instant sci-fi classic but I would go even further and just call it an instant movie classic.

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