Saturday, November 11, 2023

Jane (2017)

Happy Veteran's Day!  Here's a completely unrelated movie!  Having just come off a month of horror movies, this was the kind of quiet palate cleanser I was looking to see.  Unfortunately, it feels like only half a story.

Jane Goodall dreamed of going to Africa from a young age.  When famed scientist Louis Leakey was looking for an unbiased research assistant, Jane jumped at the chance.  She had no training, no degree, but boundless enthusiasm, patience, and interest in studying chimpanzees in their natural habitat.  She became a pioneer in the field, the foremost expert on chimp behavior, and a global ambassador for conservation.

This documentary, produced by National Geographic and Disney, was so sanitized and watered down it was basically pablum.  It focused on Jane: Wife and Mother instead of Jane: Scientist, which feels a little one-sided and patriarchal.  It glosses over any and all negative experiences, barely touching on the polio epidemic that wiped out a number of her original subjects, or the war that took out a second wave, or even her divorce.  The result is a fluff piece for a trailblazing woman who frankly deserved better.

It's currently streaming on Disney+.

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