Saturday, December 13, 2014

Doomsday (2008)

Doomsday (2008)  I think this movie is totally underrated.  It's a fun popcorn flick with a lot of badass elements and I really think it's a shame that more people don't talk about it.

In the near-ish future, a virus breaks out in Scotland that devastates the population.  The government essentially quarantines the whole country, building a wall to keep the infected in until the virus runs its course.  A generation later and the virus returns, this time in London.  Major Eden Sinclair (Rhona Mitra) is given the mission of taking a team past the wall to find a cure believed to be created by a doctor named Kane (Malcolm McDowell).  Sinclair and her team discover that, far from being a desolate wasteland, Scotland is now essentially two separate kingdoms.  One is a Mad Max-style cannibalistic rave led by Sol (Craig Conway) and the other is a faux-Camelot led by Kane.  Sinclair and team must navigate through these two groups in order to find a cure before England devolves into  the same chaos.

According to the movies, Britain is just one sneeze away from tearing itself apart at any given time.  Look at V for Vendetta and 28 Days Later.  That whole "stiff upper lip" "Keep Calm and Carry On" thing is just a cover for the mad panic lying under the surface.  For some reason, I think that's hilarious.

Anyway, like I said, this movie is far better than I think people believe.  I don't know if it just didn't get good marketing or what, but it didn't perform well at the box office and I think everybody just decided to forget about it.  Here's the thing, though:  Neil Marshall directed it, the same guy who blew everyone away with The Descent and the criminally under appreciated Dog Soldiers.  For that alone, you should give it a chance.

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