Monday, December 10, 2018

The Square (2017)

  This is a little confusing because there was another film also called The Square that came out a couple of years ago about the protests in Tahir Square in Egypt.  This is not that movie.

Christian (Claes Bang) is a curator for a museum of modern art in Stockholm.  He is trying to raise awareness of a new exhibit called The Square, a 4x4 meter square with a plaque that informs the viewer that inside the square, every person is equal.  It's meant to provoke thoughts of equality and altruism, given the prevalent homelessness in the city.  Christian finds himself struggling with intentions versus effect when he is pickpocketed on the street which leads to a public relations nightmare when his inattention results in the publication of a highly inflammatory video about the exhibit.

Okay, so this is absolutely Rich White People Nonsense (RWPN).  The film is aware that it is RWPN and a lot of the humor comes from seeing Rich White People suddenly forced to confront their privilege.  If that is the kind of thing you are into, it's streaming on Hulu. 

If you are interested in the nature of art and how it is performative even when it is passive because it causes a reaction within viewers that is then acted upon, you might enjoy some of the clips from the exhibits.

Otherwise, there is nothing here for you.  Do not be fooled by seeing Elizabeth Moss or Dominic West's names in the credits.  The fifteen minutes collectively they are in the film will not make up for the 2.5 hour runtime. 

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