Saturday, February 16, 2019

What Dreams May Come (1998)

  Okay, technically this isn't an Oscar nominee from this year but it was nominated for two Oscars and won one for Best Visual Effects so I'm totally counting it.

Chris Neilson (Robin Williams) is lucky enough to meet the love of his life, Annie (Annabella Sciorra).  They marry, have two children, and thriving careers.  Even tragedy isn't enough to separate them.  Then Chris dies in a car accident.  At first, he's ecstatic over being able to create his own reality in the afterlife, then devastated to learn that Annie, unable to bear the loss, has committed suicide and is trapped forever in an endless loop of misery.  Despite warnings from his various guardians, Chris journeys into Hell to reunite with Annie.

Okay, I ugly-cried pretty much the whole way through this movie.  Part of it was sadness over seeing Robin Williams act again and part was because this movie is really, really sad.  I mean, damn.  You got dead kids, suicide, Hell, grief, and depression all running around through Renaissance paintings.  If it wasn't so beautiful, it would be unbearable.  For being from the late 90s, the special effects hold up remarkably well.  Production design was stellar.

I do have to say that I am vehemently opposed to the concept of soulmates but I was still able to enjoy this film.  It's a beautiful Orphean saga through some Bosch-ian imagery and Williams and Sciorra act their faces off.  I was less impressed with the child actors but fortunately they're not the focus of the movie.

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