Saturday, October 26, 2013

Flame and Citron (2008)

I'm really surprised this didn't get nominated for more awards.  It seems like Oscar candy.

Based on real people, this is the story of two Dutch WWII resistance fighters, code-named Flame (Thure Lindhardt) and Citron (Mads Mikkelsen).  They typically work as assassins of Dutch collaborators under their handler, Aksel Winther (Peter Mygind).  When Winther decides to send them after German targets, the threat of reprisal becomes much higher.  That doesn't really bother Flame and Citron, though, since each man has his own reasons for seeing it through whatever the cost.  However, when Winther names Flame's girlfriend (Stine Stengade) as an informer, it throws everything they had previously known into doubt.

Despite the Art Deco poster, the movie is fully in color, in case you were wondering.  Visually, it's a beautiful film, even though it is horribly sad because it's set during WWII.  There were not a lot of happy times to be had during that period.  Like I said, Oscar candy.

I wouldn't call it a modern masterpiece but it was a well-done film that illustrated a different slice of the war than I was previously familiar with.  Worth a rental.

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