Saturday, February 1, 2014

Before Midnight (2013)

Nominated for:  Best Adapted Screenplay    So, you can apparently adapt a movie from two previous ones and get nominated for an Oscar. 

I have not seen the two movies before this (Before Sunrise and Before Sunset) so I am not familiar with the main character couple.  From what I can gather, **SPOILERS MAYBE** Jesse (Ethan Hawke) met Celine (Julie Delpy) in 1994 and they spent one night with each other in Paris.  Later, Jesse writes a book about the experience and gets famous.  Celine comes to New York City to find him and they spend another day together.  They decide to make a go of it.  So Jesse divorces his wife and shacks up with Celine.  Along the way, the ex-wife decides to take custody of their son while Jesse is in Paris with Celine giving birth to twin girls.  **END POSSIBLE SPOILERS** Cut to the present, Jesse and Celine are in Greece on vacation.  Some friends have gotten them a hotel room for the night and agreed to baby-sit their daughters.  Sounds great, right?

Did you ever watch a married couple fight?  Is there anything more awful and awkward to see than two people who know each other very well attempt to destroy one another for the most petty reasons?  In this case, Celine feels that Jesse is going to leave her in order to move back to America to be closer to his son.  Jesse had no intentions to do so but is put out by the implication that Celine would never in a million years move to the U.S. on a permanent basis. 

It seems this series is a critical darling, because I didn't read a single review that wasn't glowing.  Maybe you had to be there for the first two installments.  These are certainly likeable characters; they're charming and good-looking, witty and great dinner party guests.  But I don't "know" them so I don't care what they're fighting about.  They just seem like every other couple that has been together for more than two years. 

To me, this nomination is equivalent to recommending your favorite soap opera.  If you're not there at the beginning, it's probably worthless to you.

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