Saturday, February 1, 2020

In the Absence (2019)

Nominated for Best Documentary Short    It's getting a little easier to find the short films.  It used to be virtually impossible unless you lived somewhere they were released theatrically.  This one is on Vimeo for free and is also on the Field of Vision website.

In 2014, a ferry capsized between the South Korean mainland and the island of Jeju.  A distress call was put out at around 8:30 AM local time.  The ferry had turned on its side but no passengers were harmed and with a little luck most of them could make it to safety.  Except that's not what happened.  The government refused to send rescue boats until they could get a film crew for bureaucratic oversight.  The lone Coast Guard boat that responded was told to stand down and wait.  Only civilian fishing boats managed to rescue anyone at all.  Then the ferry flipped upside down, trapping 291 people, mostly kids on a school trip, inside.

It's a good thing this documentary is only 28 minutes long because it is a hard watch.  All I could think was if I had been on that ferry and died, my mom would have burned down every government building she could find.  The level of negligence shown by everyone in charge is stunning.  I had never heard anything about this, not even about the impeachment and removal of their president in 2016.  So I definitely think people should watch this as a cautionary tale.

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