Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009)

I was a little concerned about how Terry Gilliam would segue into three other actors to fill in for Heath Ledger. (I'm going out on a limb here and assuming that you already know why it would be necessary to fill in for Heath. If you don't, what have you been living under a fucking rock? Are you part of one of those weird fringe religion where people aren't allowed to watch TV? Then what the hell are you doing reading a movie review blog? Fuck off.)

What was I saying?

Oh yeah, concerned about segues. It actually handles the situation quite well by positing that everyone looks different in their imagination. It's true. In my head, I'm 5'8" with waist-length black hair, ivory skin, and green eyes. Yeah, you'd do me. There was even a study done that showed people will pick out their picture from a line-up more readily if it's photoshopped to look about 20% more attractive than their actual face.

It's not vanity; it's science!

Anyway, movie.

I liked it. Of course, the entire time I was watching it I was thinking about how much more awesome it would have been to see it in a theater. You know, on a screen so big the towering CGI showpieces make my retinas explode from sheer joy. Seeing as we were denied that opportunity (in America! Can you believe that shit?), I had to make do with my LCD TV.

That's really my only complaint.

In related news, Tom Waits is the SHIT! He is the smarmiest devil you've ever seen. And so far, I have seen him play a creepy mechanic in The Book of Eli, God, a mysterious preacher with stigmata, and a mental patient. Plus, he did the singing voice of the pirate captain in Shrek 2. Seriously, go iTunes the song "Little Drop of Poison". It rocks.

Okay, I just got the new Sookie Stackhouse novel Dead in the Family and I must begin reading. I also have to go to the bank, UPS, and the dog park. Oh, and at some point, I should probably eat something.

1 comment:

  1. I like this one...didn't LOVE IT...it was still kind of weird for me, and at some point...you're going to have to explain it to me...because...well...I guess I'm retarded...but only slightly
