Friday, July 16, 2010

The Hotel New Hampshire (1984)

This movie was recommended to me by a former coworker and I'm no longer sure how I feel about that person. I'm actually a little worried as to what that person thought of me that would make her recommend a movie this freaking weird.

Now I like weird. But weird that makes sense. Weird that doesn't make sense, that is weird for the sake of weird, I do not enjoy. This movie makes no sense. On the one hand, if I look at it from the perspective of zany madcap family adventure, it kinda almost works, like a Dadaist Swiss Family Robinson. Minus the rape, terrorism, incest, random tragedy, and suicide, of course.

Seriously, movie? WTH?

If, on the other hand, I look at it like a serious drama of a family pulling together despite hardships I am forced to overlook Wallace Shawn (the "Inconceivable!" guy from The Princess Bride) as an adventure-seeking Doctor Freud and Nastassja Kinski in a bear suit.

Motherfucking Nastassja Cat People Kinski in a BEAR SUIT.


That was my brain hitting the glass patio door of whatthefuckness at full speed.

I can't imagine what inducements were offered to the people, reputable people mind you, that were in this film. We're talking Beau Bridges, Joely Richardson, Jodie Foster, Rob Lowe, Matthew Modine, and even Seth Green as the spunky, red-headed, freckle-faced, baby brother Egg. Plus other familiar-faces-but-not-names who get consistent work.

It makes my brain hurt to think about it.

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