Saturday, July 10, 2010

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (2008)

  This was recommended to me by my mother about a year ago. She and I are very hit-or-miss when it comes to movies. Neither of them would appreciate the comparison, but my mother has more in common with my cousin as far as tastes go.

At any rate, I borrowed a copy from my neighbor. It's not a bad movie. It's a bit like a meringue: feather-light pure sugar that melts on your tongue and leaves almost no trace afterward. There's no real substance and despite it being mostly about sex, it's not sexy. Hell, it's rated PG. It could have been much more solid in displaying some of the consequences. Frances McDormand's character is shown homeless and standing in a soup line but it doesn't feel real, because her character still has a sense of wide-eyed disbelief about the whole situation. She doesn't seem hopeless enough. Amy Adams doesn't seem desperate enough, despite her ditherings over the three men in her life, who are mostly wasted by the way. Mark Strong is nominally the bad guy but we never really discover why, other than he's just kind of a jerk. I would be too if I were paying for an expensive apartment for some flighty actress to sleep with other people in it.

Lee Pace is underused as well, which I extend to the rest of his career. He is one of my favorite character actors. His turn in The Good Shepherd and before that in The Fall should have gained much more critical and public notice. Plus he's dreamy.
You can't see it, but I'm doodling little hearts around this picture in my head.

Moving on. Miss Pettigrew is a cute movie, suitable for times when you don't really need to pay attention but you just want to have something on in the background that won't offend the neighbors. I'm giving it the 'liked it' tag but only for Lee.

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