You can't really call it a "romantic" movie, since it's basically about what happens when a relationship stagnates. Granted, my relationships tend to be a speeded-up version of this process but I know exactly how it is when you've been with someone so long you stop seeing them as a person.
In my case it's usually about three months but Jules and Nic have been together at least 18 years, long enough to have a kid old enough to call the sperm bank and initiate proceedings to meet the biological father.
From first-hand experience, that is a stressful event. I met my biological father when I was 18 and it was horribly awkward for all parties. We've since grown closer, so that's nice.
If you're sitting there thinking "Jesus, she's such a narcissist. I just want to know if the movie's any good, not her entire fucking life story" then fuck you. The events that shape a person's life are inextricably linked to how they perceive movies. Like, I can't watch My Fair Lady because it reminds me of my ex. One of them, anyway. That's a classic musical that millions of people love but I instantly seethe with rage when I hear so much as the opening bars of the overture.
Anyway, my point is that it's hard for me to not draw parallels between this film and my life. But only for the first half. After that it's all about feelings and shit, and I kind of lose interest. So I don't really know if it's fair to say that other people would enjoy it as much because I don't know if other people would have the same kind of experience with it. I guess you should just watch it and see.
I think this is one of your more ambiguous reviews yet...not a bad thing...just...meh