Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cabin in the Woods (2011)

  Buy this movie.  See it immediately.  Make all your friends and family watch this movie.  

When this movie was announced, I was not interested in seeing it.  Not even after I heard Chris Hemsworth was going to be in it.  I figured you're contractually obligated to be in a shitty horror movie after you become a star.  Halle Berry in Gothika, Mark Wahlberg in The Happening, hell, even poor Jennifer Lawrence in House at the End of the Street.  It's just part of paying your Hollywood dues. 

Then I heard Joss Whedon wrote it.  Then I started hearing the buzz about it.  Saw the 91% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.  And I thought, "I now have to see what all the fuss is about."

This was such an awesome movie.  On the surface, though, it seems really typical.  Five stereotypical college students (the jock, the slut, the stoner, the senistive guy, and the repressed girl) head off to a secluded cabin in the woods for some non-adult-supervised fun.  Same story you've seen about a million times, right?  Then it hits you with the twist.

I'm not going to tell you what it is, since the less you know the more you'll enjoy it when it happens, but I will tell you that the movie as a whole falls way more firmly into Comedy territory than Horror.  The dialogue in particular is freakin' hilarious. 

Whedonites will recognize frequent collaborators like Amy Acker and Fran Kranz from Dollhouse, and film fans should recognize Richard Jenkins from pretty much everything.

Seriously, buy this movie.  I did.

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