Sunday, May 4, 2014

Gymkata (1985)

  There were so many things wrong with this movie, I don't know where to begin.

The plot is laughable.  American gymnast Jonathan Cabot (Kurt Thomas) is trained to participate in "The Game", a take on "The Most Dangerous Game" short story, in the tiny nation of Parmistan.  Basically, it's an obstacle course where the participants are being hunted by crazed psychopaths.  Cabot is competing because his father disappeared while playing "The Game" years ago and also because the CIA wants him to impress the khan (Buck Kartalian) so he will let them put an early warning missile detection site there.  Because it's the Cold War.  That's right, America.  Your first line of defense against the Russkies was a 5'2" male gymnast.

The first half of the movie is a training montage.  It is ridiculous.  As is every fight sequence that follows.  The entire movie looks like it was made on a budget of third graders' stolen lunch money.  It was so bad I couldn't even enjoy it mean-spiritedly.  I thought it was at least going to be fun to make fun of, but no.  It felt like I was mocking Drama Day at a special needs school. 


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