Tuesday, May 27, 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

Happy Day after Memorial Day, everybody!  I was expecting to get this up sooner (I saw it on Friday)  but circumstances didn't permit.  Now that my college class has ended, I have a lot more free time so I actually have a backlog of posts.  If I get the chance to flesh them out today I'll go ahead and post them, otherwise, they'll go up this weekend.  Happy reading!http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0c/X-Men_Days_of_Future_Past_poster.jpg  In the future, which is to say ten years from now, the world is a very different place.  Mutants have been hunted down and eliminated by Sentinels, gigantic robots that are designed to be able to counter any mutant's powers.  From the handful of mutants left, Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart) chooses Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) to send his consciousness back to a younger version of himself in 1973 in order to stop the assassination of Sentinel creator Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage) by Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence).  History tells us that Mystique was caught and her DNA is what gives the Sentinels their adaptability.  Wolverine agrees to find Young Xavier (James McAvoy) and Young Magneto (Michael Fassbender) in order to find Mystique before she becomes a killer.  However, the former is a depressed alcoholic who has turned his back on his powers and the latter is in jail for killing JFK.  In order to break Magneto out of his super-secret cell under the Pentagon, Wolverine turns to Pietro Maximoff (Evan Peters), a kleptomaniac capable of super-speed.  With their team in place, they set out to change history and hopefully secure the future.

I have mixed feelings about this movie.  There were parts I quite enjoyed (like when Quicksilver gets to do his thing in the Pentagon kitchen) but it never seemed to find the right balance between old X-men actors and new X-men actors. It also felt deliberately rushed, as if it moved fast enough then no one would have time to ask any questions like, since when has Kitty Pryde (Ellen Page) had the ability to move people through time?  Why didn't Beast (Nicholas Hoult) use his super-serum to help the X-men hide, since it makes them invisible to the Sentinels?  Why are the most powerful mutants the ones that are left, instead of the ones that are taken out first?

The ending of the movie raises even more questions but I'll put them in white for those of you who haven't seen it yet.  Highlight to see them.  Ok, so the Sentinels are stopped and the whole project is scrapped.  Next, Wolverine is supposed to get taken by Stryker (Josh Helman) for his adamantium skeleton and claws.  But, we the audience sees that Stryker is actually Mystique in disguise.  So does Wolverine now avoid ever getting a metal frame?  He wakes up in the future and finds that he's been a teacher of history at the X-men academy for who knows how long, and everybody is alive, including Jean Grey (Famke Janssen).  Precisely what the fuck happened in the ensuing years that obviated her becoming Dark Phoenix and needing to be killed?  That is some closure that I would like to have.

The post-credit stinger is also a handy piece of distraction, setting up the next film.  The entire theater was chanting the villain's name like they were going to summon him themselves.  I really hope the third one can pull all the loose ends together, but until then, this one is decent enough to plan on buying.

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