Monday, October 12, 2015

Jupiter Ascending (2015)

'Jupiter Ascending' Theatrical Poster.jpg  This is the Christy pick for October.  She loves Channing Tatum and I just do not see the appeal.  Not that recasting him could have saved this movie; it was just an observation.

Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis) is a maid.  Her dimwit cousin convinces her to donate her eggs for extra cash but the clinic is just a cover for an intergalactic dynasty to test DNA.  Every few billion genetic recombos results in what would loosely be called a reincarnation for one of the ruling Abrasax family.  Jupiter is the spitting image of their mother and this puts her ahead of the three Abrasax children, since intergalactic law states that a reincarnation can be reinstated with all of her titles and properties.  Balem Abrasax (Eddie Redmayne) sends hunters to find and kill Jupiter but his brother Titus (Douglas Booth) has anticipated that and sent a hunter of his own, a spliced wolf/human hybrid named Caine (Channing Tatum), to find the girl and bring her to him.  No one's motives are entirely pure, however, and Jupiter finds herself wading through some deadly politics with the fate of the Earth in her hands.

This was written and directed by the Wachowski twins, the same pair who did The Matrix trilogy.  There are some good ideas here but they are mostly ignored to focus on the love story between Jupiter and Caine.  I was very disappointed by that and a little grossed out because 1) Channing Tatum and 2) they're not even the same species.  Humanoid does not equal human.

The visuals are beautiful, especially the space shots, and the costumes and CGI are amazing.  It's a little murky because of the post-production 3D conversion, I think, but you can still see enough to be entranced.  Honestly, I think this might have worked better as a TV series.  Then they could have really spent the time to flesh out this story instead of squishing it into a two-hour block.  It most likely would have been prohibitively expensive with the cast so they would have to go but I still think the small screen was the way to go here.

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