Monday, November 21, 2016

Not Another Repost

Okay, I was going to repost my review of Suicide Squad because I got the extended edition so Christy could see it but I don't like reposting if it's been less than a year.  (I assume most of you readers are kind of like goldfish and forget stuff if it's been longer than that.  And/or you're too lazy to go through the archives.  God knows I am.)  So I am not going to do that.

Instead, we're going to talk about TV.  I am so far behind, you guys, it is unreal.  I finally made myself catch up on some stuff because my DVR was at 94% and I didn't want it to start deleting episodes I hadn't seen yet.

I am up to present on season 2 of Scream Queens.  I really thought this was going to be a one-and-done kind of show.  Like, there was no way they could keep it interesting through a second season but I am kind of loving the hospital angle.  They brought back all the characters I love and their crop of guest stars has been on point.

Ash vs Evil Dead is also on its second season and I am also totally in love.  Lucy Lawless is awesome and I'm glad they found a way to bring her back.  This show is hilarious and completely gross, with enough fake blood to fill the Suez Canal.  If you are not watching it, you should be.  I'm only about four episodes in to this season so far but I'm a fan.

For even more horror, Agents of S.H.I.E.LD. is featuring Ghost Rider as a character in its fourth season.  And it doesn't suck!  I was surprised, too.  I know that show has a lot of detractors but I have personally found it to be a welcome addition to the canon.  Plus, it's a good way for Marvel to use characters they have the rights to but don't necessarily want to make feature films out of yet.

And to bridge over into more superheroes, CBS sold Supergirl to the CW so it's technically in its first season again but I'm pretty sure they're still calling it season two.  I was on the fence about season one.  It was okay but I never really felt a connection to it.  The best episodes from last year were the crossovers with The Flash so I think CW is really where it should have been from the beginning.  It's home now, though, so things should be looking up.  I am not caught up on this one so it still might go sideways on me but I am optimistic at the moment.

I also have Blunt Talk, Blindspot, The Voice, Elementary, and Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, all of which are returning (except for Dirk Gently) and none of which I have watched so far.  Plus, the new (3rd!) season of The Librarians started recording last night.  This is like Sisyphus's boulder being pushed up a hill only to roll to the bottom as soon as it gets close to the top.  I watch episodes and delete them but new ones keep getting recorded and I'm back up to 94% full!  I'm going to try to get it under 90% so I can switch over to movies again before this weekend.  Wish me luck!


  1. I just about had a stroke; I misinterpreted your comment on Dirk Gently not returning (could be brain damage from a food coma). BBC has allegedly renewed it for a second season. So much weird to love!

    I am the fanciest of goldfish: calico ryukin.

  2. I ADORE THE DC SHOWS. Also, Marvel has done well, via ABC and Netflix. No complaints. Dirk Gently...I am a major Douglas Adams fan, and I've avoided the show. Maybe this sounds counterintuitive, but I really, really, don't want to experience the "book was better" mindset with it. Maybe when it's completed it's run, I'll binge it like I did Babylon 5.
