Sunday, April 16, 2017

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)

Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines movie.jpg  And now we move into the shitty phase of this franchise where we've replaced the badassness of Linda Hamilton with the coldness of Kristanna Loken.

Look, I get it, Jonathan Mostow.  You saw the first two James Cameron films and thought, "This franchise needs a girl robot!"  It's not a bad thought.  It just probably should have stayed under fan fiction and not an actual produced film.

Judgment Day has come and gone, and the world remains as it was.  John Connor (Nick Stahl), now 25, struggles to find purpose in a world that no longer needs him to be the savior of mankind.  Still, old habits die hard and a motorcycle injury sees him breaking into a veterinary hospital for supplies, rather than risk his name going into any system.  It's a good thought, but the vet assistant, Kate Brewster (Claire Danes), manages to get the drop on him and locks him in a dog kennel.  Meanwhile, a new terminator, the T-X (Kristanna Loken), has arrived to eliminate Connor and all his future top lieutenants, including Kate Brewster.  So another T-101 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is sent to protect Connor and Brewster so they can eventually lead the Resistance.

This wouldn't have been so bad if the ending hadn't managed to ruin the entire mythology.  By going for the nihilism, it betrays the one dictum of the previous movies:  There is no fate but what we make.    For that alone, I can't recommend this to anyone except as a curiosity.  This actually killed any interest I had in the franchise, so I haven't even seen any of the ones that came after it.

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