Sunday, August 27, 2017

Swiss Army Man (2016)

Two men against a cloudy backdrop, looking up towards a light source in the upper right corner.  This is the Christy pick for February, if you can believe it.  That's how far behind I am on everything.  I still have to watch her pick for March before she'll even name ones for June, July, and August.

Hank (Paul Dano) is lost on a deserted island about to hang himself out of loneliness when he sees a body (Daniel Radcliffe) washed on shore.  At first crushed that his only company is a corpse, Hank soon realizes that the gas-filled body is his ticket back to civilization.

So, when I read about this film I had assumed that Hank would use the body as a makeshift flotation device, which is gross but semi-plausible.  Nope.  He rides it like a fucking Jet Ski.  And the movie only gets weirder from there as Manny (as the body is christened) becomes a font of clean water, a compass, a grappling hook, and many other multipurpose functional tools, as well as a sincere if naive confidant for Hank to work out his many issues.

It's sweet, in a way.  Also gross and batshit insane.  It's definitely an original concept.  For pure entertainment value, it's a solid watch but I'm not rushing to add it to my collection.  Tyler wanted to rename it "Harry Potter's Hairy Butthole" because there are an inordinate number of shots of Radcliffe's ass.  Also, I could have done without the dick compass gag.  It's a little passe.  I have to give it up for the totally nuts ending and Mary Elizabeth Winstead.  She comes across as the most relatable character in the whole film and she's in it for maybe five minutes.  That's gold.

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