Saturday, December 30, 2017

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (2007)

  I can't believe I spent time on my Christmas Day to watch this movie.  As you may have already guessed, this is a Christy pick.  The one for July, to be specific.  God, I'm so far behind.  But we can't dwell on that!  Let's just get through this piece of shit movie.

Chuck (Adam Sandler) and Larry (Kevin James) are Brooklyn fire fighters and best friends.  Larry, a widower, is facing a tough decision -how to make sure his children get his benefits if anything should happen to him- and comes up with a plan.  He and Chuck will pretend to be gay so they can register as a domestic partnership.  Chuck, a womanizer, reluctantly agrees, but neither man foresees how this deception will impact their work or their lives.

This film is offensive on so many levels it's almost impressive.  It relies exclusively on stereotypes about men, women, gays, straights, and Asians for "humor" while attempting to pass itself off as progressive.  An example of its progress:  the main character smugly informs a courtroom that, having lived as gay for roughly two months, he realized that using the word "faggot" was a pejorative.

If this movie had been made in 1986 or even 1996, you could maybe pass it off as simply a product of a more ignorant time with regard to LGBT culture.  That would still not excuse it of its blatant misogyny or inexplicable decision to put Rob Schneider in yellowface, complete with coke-bottle glasses, an incomprehensible accent, and a bowl cut.

You want to know how out of touch this movie really is?  Do you remember MySpace fame-whore Tila Tequila?  Yeah, she got a cameo here as one of a group of Hooters girls fawning over Adam Sandler's schlubby fireman.  Jamie Chung, who has gone on to do much better things, is an extra in the same scene.

The real crime here is how this movie wastes decent actors like Jessica Biel, Dan Ackroyd, and Ving Rhames on parts so far beneath them, I'm a little worried they were blackmailed.

Avoid at all costs.

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