Friday, August 24, 2018

MCU Watch pt 3

I kind of fell off the grid for a little while because I was moving to a new apartment and I didn't have a computer or TV for several days.  It's been a little chaotic but I'm trying to keep up, which is why you're getting a random post on Friday instead of your regularly scheduled programming.  Last Sunday marked the entry into Phase Two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  The Infinity Stones are moving to the forefront, HYDRA is back in a big way, and people are faking their deaths left and right.

Iron Man 3 - Tony's PTSD after New York causes him to overreact to the perceived threat of The Mandarin, creating 1001 new suits and obsessing over Pepper's safety.  As a standalone film, that would be an okay premise but it ends up being sidelined as foreshadowing for Age of Ultron.  Also, Marvel muddied the waters with Aldrich Killian, wasting what could have been a great sucker punch of a villain in Maya.  Still, it wraps up the arc with Pepper, and gave us a few nice moments with Tony and the kid, Harley.

Thor:  The Dark World - This really only exists to introduce the Aether as an infinity stone.  Jane Foster is given almost nothing to do besides be a carrier and swoon dramatically into Thor's arms.  It would have been nice if she could have confronted Malekith herself or if any attention was paid to the fact that she is a HUMAN WHO CONTAINED AN INFINITY STONE AND DIDN'T IMMEDIATELY DIE.  But, you know, Thor.  And hey, it gave us more Loki, which I can't even be mad about.

Captain America:  The Winter Soldier - OMG, HYDRA.  The second installment really does showcase how much more solid the Captain America films are as a standalone trilogy.  Cap is in the present and his old enemies have been just lurking in the wings, waiting to strike.  There are so many past/future parallels woven into a(n already good) story of corruption and idealism.  It absolutely stands as one of the best films in the canon.

We're still doing a lot of unpacking but hopefully we can get through the second half of Phase 2. 

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