Saturday, November 2, 2019

Of Fathers and Sons (2018)

  Okay, so we're back to regularly scheduled programming now.  Happy Day of the Dead, here's a movie about terrorists.

Filmmaker Talal Derki is originally from Syria and returned to go undercover in order to film a family involved in the Al-Nusra group of mujahideen.  The father, Abu Osama, has named all five of his sons after famous terrorists, including his oldest, Osama, who was born on September 11th.  (Not THE September 11, just A September 11th.  Like 2005, I think.)  Anyway, Derki stayed with this family for over two years, recording as much as he could about the kids' indoctrination into jihadist ideology.

Not going to lie, this is a pretty hard watch.  It's important, in that it shows exactly how similar all extremist groups are in their thought processes and habits.  They stress that war is unending, that there is a holy mandate, victory is assured but not imminent, devalue all education except religious, marginalize women except as for breeding purposes, and above all, decry that there is any other way to be.  From ISIS to the KKK, it is the same playbook.  These people believe they are in Armageddon and there is no concept of peace that does not include conquering everyone who does not share their beliefs.

There is a ray of hope, however, in that the second son, Ayyman, chooses to go to school instead of a militia training camp like his brother.  He at least has a chance to escape the crushing lockstep of true believers.  Education and exposure are the only chances anyone has.

I feel like every year there's a new documentary on Syria because it is a clusterfuck.  Next year is going to be harrowing because we've abandoned our Kurdish allies --already a persecuted minority group-- to be hunted down and murdered.  I'm sure someone will get it all on tape.  I hope so.  Exposure and education.  Show us so we may learn.

Of Fathers and Sons is currently streaming on Starz which I get through Amazon.

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