Monday, July 15, 2024

Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)

  I'm sorry, I just don't buy that anyone ever thought Hugh Grant was attractive.  

Charles (Hugh Grant) sees Carrie (Andie MacDowell) at a wedding.  Sparks and some bodily fluids are exchanged but then Carrie goes back to America and Charles loses track until another wedding where they are again both guests.  Over a year or so, the pair keep running into each other but the timing is never exactly right.

MacDowell is charming enough but most of the ensemble felt terribly underwritten.  I could not have cared about any of Charles' friend group and the humor felt very flat.  Kristin Scott Thomas was criminally underused, although John Hannah had a very good role.  In fact, for the mid-90s, this was great LGBT rep (even if it still falls prey to the Bury Your Gays trope).  

I am very clearly not the target audience for this.  I remember when it came out and it was all people could talk about.  My mom rented it.  I'm pretty sure she liked it.  But I was 13-ish and this held no interest for me.  Still, it won a bunch of awards so a lot of people must have enjoyed it.  Maybe you will too.  It's currently streaming on (sigh) Max.

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