Monday, July 8, 2024

Jawbreaker (1999)

  Another dud.  We are on a streak here.

A birthday prank goes wrong and Liz Purr (Charlotte Ayanna) ends up dead at the hands of her three best friends:  Courtney (Rose McGowan), Julie (Rebecca Gayheart), and Marcie (Julie Benz).  Their attempt to cover-up said murder is interrupted by social misfit Fern Mayo (Judy Greer), who just wanted to drop off Liz's homework.  Courtney decides to reinvent Fern as Vylette, newly hot and eager to ingratiate herself, but Julie starts having second thoughts as the lies spin ever faster and Vylette begins to assert her newfound dominance.  

This is basically a Heathers rip-off with More Male Gaze.  The characters are one-note and the note is flat.  Gayheart comes out the best of a bad bunch here as far as showing any kind of progression.  Greer is always good but underutilized.  Benz is horrendously annoying, and McGowan has played some version of the Mean Girl a number of times now.  There's also an icky cameo by noted abuser Marilyn Manson, who was dating McGowan at the time.  Don't waste your eyeballs on this.

It's only available for rental, thank God.  No need to inflict this on an unsuspecting public.

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