Tuesday, October 15, 2024

31 Days of 2024 Horror - Day 15 - Double Blind (2023)

  Another Irish horror, notwithstanding this international poster.  Content warning:  animal death (mouse), needles, blood, some gore, allusions to child abuse

Seven twentysomthings join a stage-one drug trial.  Amir (Akshay Kumar), a med student hoping for an internship, becomes increasingly concerned about the side effects, especially after it seems that all participants in the study have received the experimental drug with no control group.  Oh, and they've gone over 100 hours without sleep.  Stuck in a facility-wide lockdown, the seven strangers must stay awake for a further 24-hours until help arrives or their brains will basically boil inside their skulls.  

The movie actually follows Claire (Millie Brady) but she doesn't really do anything to move the plot.  It just kind of happens around her.

Sound design was critical in this film, even more than the visuals, for creating an atmosphere of unreality.  Visuals are good, nothing ground-breaking but executed well.  For me, the standout is the dialogue.  It nails that feeling of having been awake too long but still expected to perform at top capacity.  I did find that I deducted some points for Claire being a weak protagonist but your mileage may vary.  Maybe you find her sympathetic and relatable.  It's currently streaming on Kanopy with a library card or on Tubi with ads.  About half of my ads were for prescription drugs, which I found very funny.

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