Saturday, March 20, 2010

War (2007)

  Also known as "The Magic of Plastic Surgery".

Remember how I was just saying that I was Jet Li fan? Yeeeeah, about that. I like Jet Li. I like Jason Statham. I don't know what it is about the combination that ends up being Lucy kryptonite. I hated The One and I hated War. Actually, that's not even true. I hated the next to last 15 minutes of War. The "Big Reveal" as it were.

From here on out, it gets kind of spoiler-y. Be ye forewarned.

Okay, so the whole rivalry thing? The "you killed my partner and I've destroyed myself personally and professionally in order to bring you down" thing they have going? All crap. Thanks to the miracle of plastic surgery, the partner is able to change his height, skin tone, skull structure, body type and accent along with every recognizable facial feature. If I were Jason Statham's character, I would have kicked the shit out of that guy before I got capped for being a dick. Eh, now that I consider it some more, he totally deserved to die.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't like this movie not right...JS needs to be naked more...I think that would make it more watchable...
