Monday, March 15, 2010

District 9 (2009)

I didn't get to review this one in time for the Oscars but I didn't take it out of my queue because I was genuinely interested in it (unlike some others *cough*Precious*cough*).

I had received varying reports from people I trusted prior to my own viewing, which filled me with a frisson of fear, as the one thing I loathe is to waste my non-refundable time on a movie that wasn't worth watching. My cousin loved it and even got a little misty-eyed (commence deriding her mercilessly in the comments) and my friend pronounced it a disappointment. I resolved to see it and put an end to dissension once and for all!

I really liked it. I thought it was hilarious (cat food! come on!), slyly satirical, and it had a lot of shit blowing up. That's a trifecta of win, people. I didn't get teary-eyed over the treatment of the aliens, though I will say that the "popcorn" scene was quite disturbing in its own way. The only "Awww!" moment for me was the very, very end. This is probably not enough to convince others of my non-android status, but what are you going to do? I don't have feelings.

I was highly impressed by the writing, editing, and overall cinematography but the integration of CGI was the real high-dollar item for me. People can go on and on and on about Avatar all they like but when you watch it, you know it's fake. Fake people on a fake world, no matter how beautiful, still look fake. District 9, maybe because it doesn't try to be pretty, doesn't try to dress up the aliens to look like blue cat-elves, comes off as so much more realistic.

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