Saturday, March 20, 2010

Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (2009)

  First off, HUGE Boondock Saints fan. I must have shown that movie to a dozen friends over the years, with all the zealous fervor of a true convert. Love, love, LOVE that movie. When I heard there was going to be a sequel I was equal parts horrified and elated. "How dare they try to capitalize on such a great movie, those bourgeois Hollywood hacks!" I screamed to the cat. "But what if it's awesome?" some traitorous Gollum-like part of me whispered back.

The face of my optimism.

I remained divided, waiting for news releases. The second I heard (on the internet, so it must be true) that they weren't able to get Willem Dafoe but they were somehow bringing back David Della Rocca, well....something died in me that day. I believe you call it hope.

So I foreswore the sequel, didn't watch the trailers, didn't see it in its limited theater release, and tried to pretend that it never was. It just hurt less that way.

Then, I came upon an interview with Troy Duffy (the director) on that was choked with spoilers, a rich seam of platinum-quality spoilers which I will do you the courtesy of NOT repeating so you can have the experience through faith that I denied myself.

It's not the same Saul-on-the-road-to-Damascus experience as the first one, how could it be? You can't duplicate that kind of lightning strike. This is decidedly more polished, more sly, with bigger names (Peter Fonda!) and conspicuous nods to other action movies, especially Godfather II.

It's still a great movie. All the bits for the old fans, new characters for the new fans, and a teaser ending for a, dare I say it?, trinity of films. Apropos, no?


  1. Your face of Optimism is slightly more agreeable than that of your every-day-face...and thank you for the gift of making me a fan of this movie. Now I will hunt down my own copy of numero duos

