Monday, January 31, 2011

The Mechanic (2011)

  Yeah, this isn't nominated for anything.  I just needed a break, y'all.  All those dramas and documentaries...  I needed to see stuff blow up!

Side note:  why can't the erudite documentary afficionados also be action fans?  The crowd for The Mechanic were borderline retarded.  One of the marks was gay, so Ben Foster had to get a little frisky with the guy.  You'd think this crowd had never been out of their mom's basement before.

He pretended to be interested in a guy!  Women do it all the time!  Try not to act like the only way you can cope with what your eyes are seeing is to giggle uncontrollably.  Homophobia is not. sexy.

Anyway, so Jason Statham is a hitman and after his mentor gets killed, he takes in the guy's son (Ben Foster) and trains him in the ways of killin' people what need killin'.

There's a greedy corporate dude, a fairly drawn-out sex scene (it's hetero, all you squeamish types) and lots and lots of killing people.  Normally, I would have called foul over the ending since I would have preferred a Spy vs. Spy kind of stalemate but I was in a fuck-the-world kind of mood and it suited me just fine.

It's a little too enamoured with it's own cleverness to be a great film but it is an action-packed one and ticks my boxes of "Assassins" and "Vigilantes" so I'll probably buy it when it comes out.

What can I say?  I'm easy to please.

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