Saturday, February 7, 2015

Showgirls (1995)

  You know how Netflix will guess at movies it thinks you'll like?  Over the thousand or so movies I've watched, I've pretty much cracked the code.  4-5 stars - Holy shit, this was made for you.
3-4 stars - You're going to like it, give it a shot.
2-3 stars - You're probably not going to like all of it, but there will be interesting parts or you will enjoy hating it.
1-2 stars - Don't even click on it.

When I first added Showgirls, newly Streaming as of February, Netflix gave a recommendation of 2.3.  I watched a little, had to stop, and gave it up for the night.  The next day, Netflix had downgraded its recommendation to 1.6, like it had the night to think about it and changed its mind.  I get it.  I've done that.  You recommend something to your friend, hype up how funny it is, then you walk away and all you can think about is how that friend never gets the same kind of jokes you do and you desperately want to run after them and abort!  Abort mission!  Before your terrible recommendation causes them to judge you mercilessly.

It's okay, Netflix.  I forgive you.

Young starlet Nomi (Elizabeth Berkeley) hitches to Vegas to become a showgirl, but a girl's got to make a living while she waits for her dreams to come true, so Nomi gets a job as a stripper.  Her roommate (Gina Ravera) works as a seamstress on a big show and invites Nomi backstage to meet the star, Cristal Connors (Gina Gershon).  Cristal takes a fancy to Nomi and begins pulling strings to show the girl the real side of show business.

Honestly, what is there left to say about Showgirls?  It's terribly cheesy sleaze and I don't think anyone involved actually enjoys their association with it.  After twenty years, it's achieved kind of a niche for so-bad-it's-good that maybe will appeal to you.  I will never watch it again.

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