Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Hate Valentine's Day (2009)

So, this was the Christy Experiment for September.  I am just now getting around to posting it and I apologize for my tardiness.

Poor Nia Vardalos.  She hit gold back with My Big Fat Greek Wedding but lightning apparently just does not strike twice.  And that's coming from someone who actually owns Connie and Carla.  Where's all my drag queens?!  Holla!

Let me tell you the main problem with this movie.  It stars Nia Vardalos.  Now, that's not a dig on the lady.  She's a very talented writer and a decent director.  She's also almost 50 years old.  That's a bit long-in-the-tooth to be playing a wide-eyed ingenue, especially when the premise of your movie is that your character was so scarred by her parents' divorce that she has made a philosophy out of never seeing a man for longer than 5 dates "to keep the romance alive".  That works when you're 22, not 48. 

If you're almost half a century old and you've NEVER had a relationship last longer than a couple of months because of your daddy issues, you need to cash out that retirement plan and get a therapist on retainer pronto.

So she meets a dude who is opening a tapas restaurant around the corner and whamo!  Plot.  He agrees to her 5 date requirement and then we run into the second glaring deficiency of the movie.  If her window decorations are to be believed, they stretch five dates into a year-long process.  A solid year!  I don't know about you, but if I'm dating someone they better not wait for the next Federal holiday to ask me out.  Hell, I delete people from my phone if I don't get a text at least once a week.  Now I understand the symmetry of the idea, that the first and penultimate dates should be on Valentine's Day, but time does not work that way.

Despite these glaring errors, the movie itself is less horrible than most of the ones she picks for me.

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