And they were mostly right. Only about 15 minutes of this movie is watchable. The rest is complete crap. It's boring, repetitive, and it's impossible to give a damn about any of the characters. Miles (Paul Giamatti) is a classic sadsack still reeling from his divorce with a novel that is never going to get published. Jake (Thomas Haden Church) is a washed-up actor trying desperately to hook up with other girls before he gets married. Virginia Madsen is the perfect-in-every-way girl Miles is afraid of getting too close to, and Sandra Oh is the fun sexpot who gets disillusioned by Jake. There was really no need to even give their characters names.
The only truly funny part of the film begins when Sandra beats the everloving shit out of Jake with a motorcycle helmet and continues until a naked MC Gainey chases their car. Amusing, yes, but not worth sitting through two hours of mid-life crisis and wine pretension.
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