Monday, July 30, 2012

She-Wolf of London (1946)

  I can barely remember anything about this movie and I only saw it yesterday.  Well, two days ago by the time I get it posted.  I have been kind of stressed out lately.  Rob and I are moving in together next weekend, which is a big deal, and my Christy Experiment is moving in with us temporarily (at first, mwahahahaha) starting from Saturday.  So I watched this, the third movie from my Wolf Man Legacy edition, while I was frantically cleaning my apartment in preparation for her arrival.

I felt like I was missing a piece of the puzzle because characters kept talking about the "Allenby Curse" while I was still stuck on Talbot being the last name of those afflicted by the werewolf syndrome but I moved past that.  Phyllis Allenby (June Lockhart) is an heiress engaged to a nice young man named Barry (Don Porter).  She lives with her Aunt (Sara Haden) and cousin Carol (Jan Wiley) in a big sprawling house next to a park.  Unfortunately, murders have been happening in the park and Phyllis is completely freaked.  Mostly because she wakes up mornings with her slippers muddied and her hands blood-stained with no recollection of whether she was out or not.  She thinks it's the dreaded Allenby Curse striking her down.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that they didn't use shitty effects to make June Lockhart into some sort of carpet-covered nighttime menace right off the bat.

**SPOILER ALERT**  I'm going to start putting them in white ink from now on so you have to highlight them to see.  Just because I love you guys.  But if you hate it, let me know in the comments.

That's because there are no actual (and I use that term loosely) werewolves in the movie.  The whole thing is a plot to drive Phyllis crazy so her "aunt" can boost her daughter's social standing and keep her from marrying some broke-ass artist.  Frankly, if I was a moviegoer in '46 and I saw this, I'd have felt misled.  They promised me She-Wolves in the title, dammit, and then didn't deliver.  I call bullshit.


This is a pretty standard thriller with no real twists except for the spoilery one.  It's okay as filler for when you're folding laundry though.

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