Sunday, March 11, 2018

Victoria and Abdul (2017)

VictoriaAndAbdulPoster.jpg  This was nominated for Best Costumes and Best Hair and Makeup but didn't win either.

People ask me why I watch the Oscar nominees since most of the films chosen aren't in any way popular or generally in a genre that I like.  And I always answer, Because some times there are pleasant surprises like this one.

Queen Victoria (Judi Dench) has lingered on as the reigning monarch, outlasting a husband and 20 prime ministers, but the loneliness and isolation took its toll, turning her into a sad, grumpy old woman.  Abdul (Ali Fazal) is a lowly Indian clerk chosen somewhat at random (he was tall) to present a ceremonial coin to Victoria.  He is warned not to make eye contact while presenting but couldn't help himself.  The queen finds him charming and thus sparks one of the weirdest friendships in British history.  Her doctor (Paul Reid) and head of household (Tim Pigott-Smith) are baffled.  Her son and heir (Eddie Izzard) is annoyed and her Prime Minister (Michael Gambon) is just over it.  No one wants Victoria interested in anything, much less her Indian empire since they've basically been waiting for her to die, but interested she becomes.

I'm going to warn you now because this is based on a true story.  It does not have a happy ending.  It is surprisingly funny and sweet, but kind of a downer.  I wouldn't buy it but I was glad to have seen it, especially since it is so different from what I normally watch.

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