Sunday, December 1, 2019

2 Guns (2013)

  Christy had given me a digital copy of this ages ago and I finally am cycling back through the server.  Which probably means more reposts in the near future but what can you do?  I only own so many.

Bobby (Denzel Washington) and Stigs (Mark Wahlberg) are a couple of two-bit criminals who decide to knock over a bank where a drug kingpin (Edward James Olmos) keeps his petty cash.  They figure about $3 million, enough to kind of tweak the old man's nose but actually get away with $43.125 million because the bank is actually a front for a CIA slush fund.  Now Bobby and Stigs are running from the cartel and the CIA and to make matters worse, neither one knows that the other is an undercover cop.

This is a really dumb, really fun buddy cop film that's great for a cold, rainy day.  There's no real stakes, you just turn your brain off and watch Washington be charming and Wahlberg talk a lot.  There's boobs and explosions and James Marsden and Bill Paxton (RIP) and CGI chickens.  There's a lot.  And it's loud and stupid and funny.  Generally, I am not a fan of any of those things but sometimes it just works.

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