Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Il Divo (2009)

Nominated for: Best Makeup
  I saw this movie almost three days ago and I'm still trying to decide why I didn't like it. If I break it down into its component parts: story, cinematography, soundtrack, characters; everything seems great. But all together, it seemed to be missing something.

Maybe I misunderstood or just didn't grasp the complexity of the labyrinthine tangles of Italian politics? Guy is elected Prime Minister and head of his party 7 times, amassing controversy for the hirelings he surrounds himself with, and is embroiled in scandal involving the kidnapping and assassination of his former political rival as well as possible mob ties.


Yep, I think I got it.

My inability to like this movie is all the more frustrating because everything about it is extremely well-done. The music, the lighting, the scenery, all beautiful. It irritates me that this movie was so good technically and yet failed to reach me in any way.

Honestly, after mulling over every part, scrutinizing it like a beetle pinned to a board, I have come to the decision that I didn't like how vacillating the director was with the main character. The movie presents all these accusations about Guilio Andreotti, linking him to the deaths of some journalist all the way up to the hanging of Roberto Calvi but stops just short of making any kind of judgment one way or another. Tortured anti-hero or velvet-gloved villain? Both points are defensible. Pick one! It's like the director was worried about being sued for slander or, worse, being shot by the Christian Democrats.

I don't know. Maybe you'll like it. It's on Netflix and it's worth a look. Personally, I think they pussed out.

Oh! I completely forgot to talk about the makeup job in this movie. That is what it's nominated for, after all. Ummm...., okay, I can't lie. I didn't notice a lick of makeup which means either that it was very very good or the Academy people were on mescaline and thought they were nominating the music group.

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