Within the first few minutes, however, I found myself completely charmed. It may have been the fresh-faced Carey Mulligan, which would explain her inclusion in the Best Actress nominations. It may have been Alfred Molina, who is adorable as her beleaguered father. It may simply have been the British accents. Everything sounds more charming with a British accent.
How much of the witty dialogue is original and how much is shoehorned in, I wouldn't know. I didn't read the source novel. However, the adaptation was handled by Nick Hornby who did the infinitely watchable High Fidelity. A properly cynical viewer will know the inevitable outcome of young-girl-meets-rich-handsome-worldly-older-man but instead of being bored by it, the material is presented so well as to make said cynic wince ruefully as Jenny runs headlong into the solid brick and mortar of reality.
The acting is fantastic by all concerned, every character realized in a lifelike fashion. In any other year, with no Avatar or The Hurt Locker, I would say it was a shoe-in for Best Picture. Now, I'd say it was a long-shot.
This movie made me personally uncomfortable...