Sunday, August 8, 2010

I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell (2009)

This was another installation of The Christy Experiment. You may remember back in June when I offered her the opportunity to have me watch three movies she loved that I would never watch on my own. I liked the idea, if not the movies, so I decided to make it a recurring thing and let her pick a movie once a month. She traded her July pick for two episodes of True Blood. At first I thought it was a sucker's bet but now I'm stuck watching the rest of the season so we know who the real idiot is around here.

Anyway, I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell was her pick for August. I had read a couple of Tucker Max's blogs and a few excerpts from the book. I thought it was pretty funny stuff, even if the guy is a class-A douchebag. The movie is an account of three friends, one is a lying douche (Tucker), one just got dumped and is suicidally bitter about it (Drew), and one is about to get married (Dan). Tucker sets up a bachelor party at a strip club in another town and they lie to the fiancee about it.

If it sounds familiar, that's because you've seen this exact same scenario before in EVERY bachelor party movie EVER. So you're not there for the story. But you can't root for any of the characters. Dan is boring, Tucker is a spoiled ass, and Drew is a hair's-breadth away from setting himself on fire to end the misery.

If you're a fan of assholes, like you watch My Best Friend's Girl 20 times in a row and still find it funny, you'll probably like this movie. For myself, I was bored.

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