Natasha Richardson (RIP) stars as Shelley, a former professional hair model who is dying of cancer. She lives in the same town with her ex-husband and son but hasn't spoken to them in nearly 10 years after absconding with his other hair model, Sandra, on the eve before the National Hairdressing Competition. Now the competition is being held in their hometown and she sees it as the perfect chance to reconcile the people she loves.
Of course, Bill Nighy is in this movie. I'm pretty sure he's contractually obligated to be in every single British film released. Him or Colin Firth. He's the slimy rival who is not above cheating to secure his victory, dragging his daughter (Rachel Leigh Cook, who fell off the fucking planet around this time) along with him. There's a cute little Montagu/Capulet thing between her and Josh Hartnett, sporting a godawful British accent.
Despite staunchly refusing to go back into competition, Alan Rickman eventually caves, both to foil his nemesis and as a tribute to the woman he loved.
It's a fun little comedy with a great cameo by Heidi Klum as a bitchy hair model.
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