Monday, April 4, 2011

Trick'r Treat (2007)

  I gotta say, this was the best horror film I have seen in years.  How did I miss this little gem when it came out?!

God, I can't even describe the plot.  It's basically a mash-up of fucked up Halloween stories gloriously exploding all at once.  So there's this town somewhere in the heartland that is obsessed with Halloween and they throw this big party and parade every year.  Their whole schtick is that you have to follow the legends of Halloween if you want to make it safely through the night.

Don't blow out your jack-o-lantern, or otherwise harm it.

Check your candy.

Treat the kids that come to your door...or beware of tricks.

Be respectful of the dead.

And really, are those so hard to mind? 

So, there are five little plots that end up intersecting based around each rule.  There's a chick who hates Halloween, although to be fair, I would not be happy if my significant other had me dress as the robot from Lost in Space. 

There's a principal who just wants a nice Halloween where he can let his hair down without obnoxious kids spoiling it. 

His crochecty old neighbor who just wants to be left alone with his little dog named Spite.

The unpopular geeky girl who gets invited out with the cool kids for a ghost story.

And the group of hotties in town for the big costume party.  One of them is concerned she'll never get her V-card punched. 

Running through the tapestry of the narrative is the bobble-headed little creature on the poster.  He's not really explained but he doesn't really have to be.  Just trust me when I say he's awesome.  Utterly and completely batshit-insanely awesome. 

Run, do not walk, to the nearest available console and stream the shit out of this from Netflix.  You will not regret it if you enjoy hilarious horror films.

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