Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lost in the Weeds

  I know, it's not a movie.  Still, I'm working my way through the tail end of my movie collection and I just finished season 2.  This is apropos, considering that it was just announced that Weeds will be entering its final season (number 8) this year.  I am way behind on this one and not likely to get caught up anytime soon.  I even added it to my Netflix queue in order to maximize my chances of seeing it before I could buy it (because that's another list...I know I'm crazy, there's no need to point that out.) 

  I'm also on my last disc of Wonderfalls, a weird little one-season-wonder that was helmed by the same guy who would go on to create Pushing Daisies.  It's an exercise in surrealism when Jaye, a Gen-Y slacker working in a souvenir shop at Niagra Falls, starts hearing random inanimate animals (a wax lion, a brass monkey bookend, etc) talking to her in cryptic phrases.  It's a cute show but I can see why it wouldn't have caught on with mainstream viewers.  To be fair, Pushing Daisies got cancelled after two seasons so this guy doesn't have a great track record but I loved the shit out of that show.  I think Wonderfalls suffers from a lack of Lee Pace.  He's in it, but in a much smaller role as Jaye's brother.  I wouldn't buy the show but it's still an interesting rental.

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