Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pretty Woman (1990)

  I don't know if any of you watched the Miss USA pageant last week.  I know I didn't.  I didn't even know it was airing until I saw The Soup make fun of one of the semi-finalists.  Miss Ohio was asked to name a movie that she felt portrayed women in a positive way and she chose Pretty Woman.  While I was busy laughing at that, Rob mentioned that he had never actually seen the film.

I know.  Apparently, he had "good" parents who didn't let him watch movies about hookers blowing millionaires.  And he never went to sleepovers or babysat for children whose parents had HBO.  He missed out, is all I'm saying.  I couldn't let that stand, however, so we acquired the film and drank margaritas while watching.  I don't own this movie because I never really cared for it, even when I was a thirteen-year-old girl.  I found it stupid and I didn't think Richard Gere was attractive.  But it was worth watching again, if only so I could see the realization dawn on Rob's face that this movie and other of its ilk are the reasons why there will always be women who believe that men only exist to rescue them.

Edward Lewis (Richard Gere) is a businessman who gets rich by buying floundering companies and basically selling them for scrap.  One night after a party, he borrows his lawyer's (Jason Alexander) Lotus and gets completely lost in downtown Hollywood.  He stops to ask for directions and enterprising hooker Vivian (Julia Roberts) makes him an offer.  She manages to navigate him to his hotel and then he takes her up to the penthouse.  What should have been a relatively straightforward commercial exchange is complicated the next day when Edward offers to extend her contract through the week if she'll basically be his escort.  Except that after a week of living the millionaire lifestyle, Vivian is in looooove but wants him to respect her.  I'm pretty sure Edward just doesn't want to die alone.  Anyway, blah blah blah, fairy tale ending.  Not a great film, but very iconic.

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