Monday, June 25, 2012

Water for Elephants (2011)

Here we have the second Christy pick for June, her birthday month.  I hated pretty much everything about it.

Well, that's not true.  The score is kind of pretty if you're trying to find something to put you to sleep.

Jacob (Robert Pattinson) is at Cornell University getting ready to take his final veterinary science exam when he learns that both of his parents have been killed in a car accident and his family home is being repossessed because his father borrowed against it to put Jacob through Cornell.  Now homeless and penniless, Jacob has a reason to be depressed during the Great Depression and jumps a train on the way to Albany.  Probably should have just jumped in front of one and saved everybody a lot of misery.

But I get ahead of myself.  Luckily, the train belongs to a circus and Jacob makes friends with a fellow Pollack, Camel (Jim Norton), who gets him a job as a roustabout.  After his first day, he is interviewed by the ringleader, August (Christoph Waltz), and manages to impress the mercurial manager.  He is made the official circus vet and his first job is to keep the main attraction show-ready.  The main attraction at the circus is August's wife Marlena (Reese Witherspoon) and her horse act.  So what does he do?  He shoots one of the horses in the head.  This act of mercy endears him to the wife, not so much the businessman husband.

Things pick up when August scores a coup from a disbanded circus in the form of Rosie, an elephant.  He immediately makes Jacob her caretaker and puts Marlena on top.  They bond over the fact that August is horrible and abusive.  He, in turn, throws the two of them together every chance he gets just so he can beat the shit out of Jacob.  I don't know why anyone would think that was entertaining to watch.

Christy seems to think it's "beautiful" and "romantic" but these words mean nothing to me.  If they mean something to you, maybe you should watch it.  Everyone else watch Casablanca, which is a badass movie about fighting Nazis that just so happens to feature a love story.

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