Don't go to Burma. And for God's sake, don't take a camera there. It's really depressing.
This documentary is put together from footage collected by an intrepid group of video reporters inside the military-controlled country of Burma (or Myanmar, depending on who you ask) during the demonstrations in September 2007. The opposition is led by Buddhist monks, protesting the treatment of the populace. Hundreds of monks gather, rallying the citizens of Rangoon to join them. The video reporters are on hand to document this as well as the violent government crack-down that follows. Dozens of people are round up, beaten, and arrested every day. A curfew is put in place and anyone caught with a camera receives equal punishment. Still, the reporters risk their lives to smuggle the footage out of the country in the hopes that the world will pay attention.
Seriously, don't watch this movie if you're depressed. It will do nothing for you. Like The Cove, you should only watch it if you're really happy and you need to come down a few pegs. Then you can watch this.
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