Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Oscar Recap 2013

Well, how did everyone enjoy the show?

Personally, I really liked it (even if it ran over half an hour late) but I'm a big fan of movie musicals.  I thought Seth MacFarlane did a decent job as host and that most of the presenters stuck to the teleprompter instead of trying out their own material.  If it's okay, I'm just going to post my notes in between all the different categories whenever I had any major ones.

Best Supporting Actor:  Christoph Waltz
Best Animated Short:  Paperman
Best Animated Feature:  Brave

Let's talk for a second about the Worst Dressed people.  Brenda Chapman directed a story about a Scottish princess for Pixar and it won an Oscar.  That's awesome.  What's less awesome is her dressing like a Highland fairy godmother.  Leave the costumes for the Ren Faire.

Best Cinematography:  Life of Pi
Best Visual Effects:  Life of Pi
Best Costume:  Anna Karenina
Best Make-up:  Les Miserables

Again, I get that hair and make-up people are artists, legitimate artists.  However, you do not come to a formal event wearing hot pink tights under a mini-dress, Julie Dartnell. 

Best Live Short:  Curfew
Best Short Documentary:  Inocente
Best Documentary:  Searching for Sugar Man
Best Foreign Film:  Amour

I am a total sucker for a musical number and I thought Catherine Zeta-Jones and Jennifer Hudson did great jobs on their performances.

Best Sound Mixing:  Les Miserables
Best Sound Editing:  (tie)  Zero Dark Thirty and Skyfall

It has been a long time since I've seen a tie in any category.  For a minute, I thought Mark Wahlberg was kidding.

Best Supporting Actress:  Anne Hathaway
Best Film Editing:  Argo
Best Production Design:  Lincoln
Best Original Score:  Life of Pi
Best Original Song:  Skyfall
Best Adapted Screenplay:  Argo
Best Original Screenplay:  Django Unchained

Tarantino is a huge narcissist.  Even when he was trying to praise his team, it came off as "look what a great job I did!"

Best Director:  Ang Lee

He should have gotten one for Brokeback Mountain.  I think this was just a "oops, we screwed you over previously, please take a trophy for whatever less offensive thing you created this year."

Best Actress:  Jennifer Lawrence

She tripped going up the stairs to accept.  I am not going to make fun of her for that because I think it's wonderful that she's so enthusiastic.  She's a great up-and-coming actress and seems to have a really decent sense of humor.  However, I think it was hysterical that right after that, Meryl Streep came onstage and made a comment about not falling even after she stepped on her dress.  Please tell me that I'm not the only one that remembers Jennifer Lawrence's acceptance speech from the Golden Globes:  "I beat Meryl!"  I would love it down to my pitted, rotten core if Meryl had said something like "I was going to trip on my dress but Jennifer beat me to it."

Best Actor:  Daniel Day-Lewis

He was surprisingly witty.  And creepy.

Best Picture:  Argo

Let's hear it for the little film that could!  Everyone dismissed Argo for not being serious enough, for making too much money, for Ben Affleck showing his abs.  Whatever.  This is one of the few times that I think they may have gotten it right.

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