Saturday, June 13, 2015

Lawless (2012)

Lawless (2012) 1080p Poster  This was the last movie I saw up until this Thursday because I've been trying to watch an entire season of The Voice on my DVR.  It took me damn near three weeks to clear through all 28 episodes and put me seriously behind on my movie watching.  But I have persevered for your sakes, readers.

In Prohibition-era Virginia, the Bondurant brothers have carved out a niche in the moonshine-running business.  Forrest (Tom Hardy), the eldest brother, runs the show, Howard (Jason Clarke) is the loose cannon, and baby brother Jack (Shia LaBeouf) is the dreamer.  Jack desperately wants to have more to do with the family business than just driving the deliveries but his brothers (rightly) feel that Jack doesn't have the stones for it.  When an outfit from Chicago sends an emissary (Guy Pearce) down to organize their crime, the Bondurants are the only ones who refuse to fall in line.   Jack takes the opportunity to implement a few of his own ideas, tying the brothers closer to a different Chicago mobster (Gary Oldman).

You guys may not know this, but Shia LaBeouf ranks right above James Franco on my list of favorite actors.  I fucking loathe that dude.  In fact, I avoided this movie until now because of how big a role he had in it.  Why did I watch it now?  It was on the server so it was free.  Turns out, it's a really good movie.  The ending is kind of a downer, but everyone in it is fantastic.  Guy Pearce is always a great bad guy and Tom Hardy is magnetic on screen.  I am not one of those people who thinks he's drop-dead gorgeous but there is something compelling about him.  I'm not going to buy it because there's still too much Shia in it, but many of you may not share my distaste.  I recommend you give it a watch.

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